Would you rather stalk your friends for their
secret dilemmas, irrational beliefs, extreme choices
or discover them with one scroll?


See the Question

Open the app when you get the daily question notification.


Pick Your Answer

Two choices, one pick. Answer the question.


View Friend Responses

See what answers your friends chose after you've answered.


If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

Would you rather unlock the answers to life's quirky questions or let the mysteries remain?

All FAQs

Daily Dilemma is a social networking app that serves up a thought-provoking 'Would You Rather' question each day. Users will be able to see their friends' answers to the same question, making these discussions more engaging and fun.

No, viewing your friends' answers is a privilege reserved for those who participate. Unlock the responses of your social circle by submitting your own answer first.

You have 24 hours! After that period, the question will change and you'll have a new dilemma to answer.

No, the app is and will remain free to use.